International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Simulation and Optimization
December 08-10, 2023
Venue: Vivanta By Taj, Panaji Goa
IEEE Conference Record Number: 61837
ICICSO 2023 / Invitation
International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Simulation and Optimization (ICICSO-2023) is being organized by jointly by Ganga Institute of Technology and Management Haryana INDIA, St. Mary’s Group of Educational Institutions for Women Andhra Pradesh and Innovative Research Foundation (IRF) during December 08-10, 2023 at Vivanta by Taj, Panaji, Goa, INDIA. ICCMSO-2023 aims to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians, and industry professionals from all over the world to present the research results, development and advanced activities in Engineering and Computational Sciences. The conference provides an opportunity for the delegates to exchange novel ideas and research findings in a face-to-face environment, establish business or research relationships, and find global partners for future collaboration.
All the accepted, registered and presented full-length papers of ICICSO-2023 will be published in the form of Proceedings by CPS which will be submitted to Xplore and CSDL for SCOPUS indexing. ( Author(s) can also choose the registration with Abstract submission with a reduced fee for the presentation only.
Important Deadlines
Round 1 (Early Bird)Abstract/Full Paper Submission: 31st August 2023Notification: On or Before 06th October 2023Registration: 20th October 2023 Extended Deadline: 8th November 2023
Round 2 (Regular)
Abstract/Full Paper Submission: 10th October 2023 30th October (Extended)
Notification: On or Before 30th November 2023
Registration: 5th December 2023
Presentation Instructions:
The presenter(s) will present paper(s) either through Oral Presentation or Virtual Presentation:
Oral Presentation: Oral presentations will be the main part of sessions during ICICSO-2023. There will be parallel sessions with a duration of 90 minutes. Each session will contain 8-10 speakers and oral presentations should last no longer than 8-10 minutes (including 2 mins for queries). Presenters are required to bring the power point presentations slides. The laptop and audio-visual aid will be available at the venue during the sessions.
Virtual/Online Presentation:
Virtual/Online presentation is available for the individuals who are unable to be present during the conference in person due to schedule conflict/teaching/research assignment or restrictions imposed due to COVID and wish to contribute with their research in this international event. Virtual Presentation permits contributors to submit Abstract/full length papers for refereeing and publication in the conference publications, exactly like a regular paper. Virtual authors whose abstracts/full length papers are accepted (and who have paid registration fees) should make presentation in online platform and also submit a PowerPoint presentation well before the online presentation. There will be a separate virtual presentation session in the conference schedule for the virtual/online presentations of the registered authors/presenters. Virtual presentation duration of each author will last between 8 to 10 minutes
Publication Partner
Conference Publishing Services (CPS). Visit ( for more details

✦Innovative Research Foundation (IRF) INDIA
✦Ganga Institute of Technology and Management, Haryana INDIA
✦St Mary’s Group of Institutions Guntur for Women, Andhra Pradesh, India

Instructions for Submission of Camera Ready Manuscript to IEEE Author submission Portal
IEEE author submission portal will be available to the corresponding authors of the registered papers for ICICSO-2023 (individual email will be received by corresponding author after registration of paper) to submit the final camera ready papers for publication in the ICICSO-2023 proceedings published by IEEE CPS. Once the acceptance of the paper has been received by the author(s) from the ICICSO-2023 organisers, the updated and revised manuscript (after incorporating the review comments) should be used by the corresponding author(s) for preparing the final camera ready paper. The author(s) are requested to ensure that there will be no grammatical errors in the manuscript which can be ensured from different grammerly tools/softwares and similarity index should be less than acceptable limit. IEEE policy requires that all accepted papers must be checked for plagiarism.
Step 1: Prepare your revised final manuscript
Please use the updated and revised manuscript after Addressing the review comments before submitting the final camera-ready version. Please make sure that all Figures and Tables are of high quality and their content is easily readable.
The paper limit is 6 pages and if pages are more than 6 then reduce it to 6 pages else extra charges may apply which will be paid even after the conference registration. Ensure the paper must strictly follow the IEEE conference templates. The final paper submission will be renamed upon submission through this Author Submission Site. Author do not need to rename the final PDF file. It is highly recommended that you proofread and check the layout of your paper BEFORE using PDF eXpress™ or submitting the final PDF version of your paper. Proofread the source document thoroughly to confirm that it will require no revision.
Step 2: IEEE-Xplore-compatible PDF generation
The final paper must be converted into PDF with settings compliant with the requirements of the IEEE Xplore digital library. To this purpose, the IEEE PDF eXpress web tool should be used. PDF files generated in a different way might not be IEEE Xplore-compliant and could be rejected.
The instructions to generate an IEEE-Xplore-compatible PDF file using the IEEE PDF eXpress web tool are listed below.
- Create an IEEE PDF eXpress account using the following conference ID: 61837X
- The first time you access IEEE PDFeXpress website, please follow the link in the bottom of the page “Create account”. Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.
- After logging in, please upload the source files of your camera-ready paper for conversion (e.g. DOC, DOCX, TEX and so on). Alternatively, you can also just check the compliance of your generated PDF file.
- You will have the opportunity to revise your submission if you are not satisfied with the PDF that PDF eXpress creates for you, or if the system finds problems with your paper, or if your PDF fails the PDF Check,
- If there is a problem with your file, you will receive an e-mail detailing the problem(s). Otherwise the system will e-mail you a copy of your IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file.
- Generate the paper in PDF format and then validate it using IEEE PDF eXpress. No Validation may PREVENT publishing your paper.
- After a few minutes, you will receive the IEEE-Xplore-compatible PDF version of your paper by e-mail. Alternatively, you can also download it from IEEE PDF eXpress.
Step 3: Uploading of PDF version to IEEE author submission portal
Only if the check for compliance with PDF eXpress was successful, you can submit your paper. The paper submitted at the conference system must have a proof of full compliance generated by the PDF eXpress facility. Papers without the compliance proof will not be included in the IEEE Xplore data base.
Step 4: IEEE Copyright Form
If a paper has been selected for publication in ICICSO-2023 , the authors of the paper have to submit a Copyright Form, necessary for the inclusion of the paper in the proceedings of the conference, published by IEEE. ICICSO-2023 conference uses the IEEE Electronic Copyright Service (eCF) which is integrated with the IEEE author submission portal. Please note that all clearances for publication must be obtained by the authors. By filling in the form, you are stating that the material in your paper is original and you have not previously released copyright for this paper and/or its content to another party. The paper cannot be published in the proceedings if the form is not properly completed. and a wizard will guide you through the process. A traditional copyright form with signature is not requested as it is replaced with the web form
Step 5:
Download the PDF file of your paper from PDF eXpress and upload it through Microsoft conference management system for ICICSO-2023.
Please Note: This is final submission for the camera ready paper and it is requested to follow the necessary guidelines for submission of paper at IEEE author submission Site.
After submission, no changes are allowed and ICICSO-2023 organizing committee will not be responsible for not inclusion of paper in the proceedings due to not adhering to IEEE guidelines.